A glimpse under the hood: the ceaseless activity of my mind.

07 September 2006

Running Water

I’ve always liked being around water. Natural running water is my favorite form. A fountain can be nice for a momentary escape in an urban setting, but nothing tops a natural river run. I’ve gone swimming, tubing, skiing, sailing, and various forms of paddling from as early as I can remember to as late as last week on numerous rivers.

I thoroughly enjoy the sounds of nature while being on the river: birds, frogs, crickets, trees creaking, fish jumping and rapids. The colors of my surroundings coupled with fresh air resonate with a part of me that I can’t pinpoint. My connection to and longing for this environment has always been with me and I’ve never fully understood it.

Being on a river usually relaxes me more than anything else. Sure, I have adrenaline rushes in rapids, enjoy spending time with family and friends and revel in being in nature. But relaxation is usually the long-term benefit.

Occasionally, I’ve had intense spiritual experiences while on a river, causing me to feel closer than usual to God. I guess it’s these deep spiritual moments I long for with each new trip on whatever river is before me.

In addition to God, I’ve also deepened many meaningful relationships with those I care about while sharing experiences on a river. I don’t know if it’s because I’m relaxed and more truly myself, letting my guard down, which encourages and enables openness resulting in deeper conversations and experience. Or maybe the type of people I’m attracted to have similar reactions to being in nature on water.

Regardless, I count myself as fortunate to have such a simple way to enjoy life, share experiences and grow relationships. After all, life does boil down to our relationships with self, others and our Creator.


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