A glimpse under the hood: the ceaseless activity of my mind.

25 July 2006


Divorce is such a messy never-ending affair when children are involved. My wife and I both come from divorced families with all parents remarrying. This meant our wedding had four moms and four dads. It wasn’t as bad as you imagine.

One part of divorce I’ve never understood is how two people who had at least one child together can claim they are no longer related upon completion of the legal requirements for divorcing. Logically, if

A + B = C and C still exists, then A and B must be related. Stated another way:

A = C
B = C
Therefore, A = B.

In other words, if Two People mate, produce offspring and then decide to no longer associate, the Two People are still related because they are both linked to the child. State or Church can never revoke the fact that mom is related to the child and dad is related to the child. So how can two who divorce act is if they aren’t related? At least this has been my experience. I just don’t understand. Maybe I’m too simple.


Blogger Jeremy Conner said...

I hear you on this one...divorce is frustrating to me when kids are involved, because it just devastates them. No matter what you do, they are hurt. You can't just fill out some paperwork and "undo" it, and it's foolish to think you can.

GEEK TIME: Now I know what you meant by your logic example, but I must point out a flaw in it because I love logic problems and am a complete goober.

You state that:

A + B = C

and then state that because of this:

A = C
B = C

These are conflicting logical statements.

C is the union of A and B and only exists where A and B are present. If (A + B = C), then neither A alone nor B alone can equal it.

By way of example, if hydrogen and oxygen mix to create water, then you would say that:

2 hydrogen + oxygen = water

You can't then say that:

hydrogen = water
oxygen = water

These elements are contained within water, but separately they don't equate to water. Water is a unique entity comprised of hydrogen and water and is not the same as either one of those elements alone.

So, stating that:

A = B

is incorrect because the proceeding statements this conclusion is based on are not logically correct. In other words:

A + B = C

A ≠ C
B ≠ C

A ≠ B

Until you prove me wrong, I am the

‡‡‡‡‡ Übêr G€€k ‡‡‡‡‡

10:25 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

How the poop am I suppose to think of something clever or witty after Jeremy posts? I'm all like "oh yeah, I'm reading Keith's blog. I'm liking it. I'm gonna post something great. hmmm. I wonder who posted. OH NO! It's Jeremy! I can't comment after Jeremy Conner - King of Cool. Ugh." I do feel an obligation to comment, Keith. Because, you make me smile. Divorce makes me sad, but anything you post makes me nod my head with approval. From smoothies to poopers to divorce. I like it!
There's my comment. Maybe next time I'll comment before Jeremy the Great. Bleah.
Your wife needs a blog. Please tell her I am crazy about her.
~alli the ???

10:39 PM


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