A glimpse under the hood: the ceaseless activity of my mind.

14 July 2006

Great Smoothies

If you enjoy smoothies, stop buying the ice-based, powder flavored, artificially colored $5 mixes from the local smoothie store. The key to great tasting, full flavored, smooth smoothies is to use frozen fruits instead of ice.

For homemade smoothies, your largest investment will be the proper blender. You need to find an ice-crushing two-speed blender (not a handheld smoothie blender) and will probably pay around $100. Then buy a bag of frozen strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and any other type of frozen fruit you like. Pick up a bunch of over ripened bananas. You may want to purchase pineapple juice and mango juice, too. If you choose to buy juices, pick up extra ice trays. Finally, you need to purchase skim or plain soy milk to use as the liquid base.

When you get home, peel and slice the bananas no larger than ¼ inch then lay them flat in a plastic bag in your freezer. By keeping them flat, they are easier to break apart. Then pour the juices in the ice trays and put the trays into your freezer.

Once all of your ingredients are frozen, you can poor the liquid base into the blender followed by an equal amount of frozen fruit. Blend on low for about 1 minute, then on high until smooth. If you taste it and want a sweeter mix, add a high grade honey or artificial sweetener (Splenda® works well). You can make the mixture thicker by adding more frozen fruit or thinner by adding more liquid base.

If you decide to make this into an adult beverage, use alcohol that has been stored in your freezer and double the amount of sweetener you would usually add. By freezing the alcohol, you keep the smoothie from becoming too thin too quickly. Doubling the sweetener keeps the edge off of the alcohol.

Lastly, I never mix more than three fruits. Generally, two works best. Enjoy!

Smoothie blender links:


Blogger Julia said...

Yummy - I make smoothies for my son using soya milk, strawberries or raspberries, banana and a squirt of honey - they are delicious. I will have to try freezing the fruit - although not sure whether my blender will be up to it!

3:36 AM

Blogger Jeremy Conner said...

Those sound great...I'll have to let you come over some time and make a few for Regina and I.

8:04 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smoothies? Really?

9:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOO HOO! Let me hear ya say it, folks! WOO HOO! Keith has a blog!

My day just got better.

And, just Sunday night I put some GA peaches in the freezer for the purpose of making smoothies. And, who would've thought that Keith the Brilliant would have a recipe on his site for such a sweet treat?

Dude, you're awesome.

I can't wait to read more of your writings.

~alli shirley

7:41 PM

Blogger VirileDog said...

Alli: I hear you are an awesome blogger. Thanks for stopping in, but please leave your blog address in your next reply!

And let me know how those smoothies turn out.

8:23 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

4:43 PM


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